Last Light on Main Street #2

oil on board 24"x30" 2018

This was painted throughout October 2018 on the corner of Limestone and Main facing northwest at dusk. I had so much fun painting on this it was hard to stop and call it finished. I am hoping I can find something else that will bring me this much joy and excitement soon. It was just amazing watching the light move across the buildings, change colors and shapes, while chasing tail lights, the deepening colors on the horizon, the street lights coming on just before dark .. this painting was a riot. I learned to anticipate this crazy reflected light in the shadows around 6:15 PM and was so sad when midway through the month, it just stopped coming. I still don't know if was the angle of the sun that made it go away or the construction happening across the street altered something. Although I work with the principle "nothing is precious" constantly in mind, it was important to me to keep this phenomenon in the final image.

Private collection

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